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Mesh to any design

Mesh to any design

for any purpose

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Architectural Meshes

Architectural Meshes

for aesthetic solutions

RVI_(4)RVI, Newcastle.

Mesh panel facade created using HBWF MULTI-BARRETTE

Mesh panels span a distance of over 8M in one panel, with no intermediate fixings.


Tudor House, St. Peter Port.

Architect : Knox Bhavan

This stunning facade is clad in pre-patinated copper which gives it a blue/green martime glow.
To continue the maritime theme, elements of weave type MULTI-BARRETTE 8124 were installed horizontally to create sun-shades.

TudorHouseTudor House,

St. Peter Port.

Architect : Knox Bhavan

Modern development utilising HBWF MULTI-BARRETTE 8124 mesh to provide a stunning facade and sun-screen.

F l e x o m e s h

9246blue(F)Flexomesh is a strong, flexible mesh that is slightly transparent.

This mesh works well for many interior applications and also as a projection screen.

It is often used for creating decorative screens and framed wall panels.



See more Flexomesh examples


Architectural wirecloth from HBWF combines outstanding functionality with high aesthetic appeal, opening up new perspectives in creative design and enabling fascinating architectural solutions. Our in-house design team have worked with a multitude of architects and designers to produce the bespoke product that you are looking for.

Architectural wirecloth from HBWF combines outstanding functionality with high aesthetic appeal, opening up new perspectives in creative design and enabling fascinating architectural solutions. Our in-house design team have worked with a multitude of architects and designers to produce the bespoke product that you are looking for.

Architectural wirecloth from HBWF combines outstanding functionality with high aesthetic appeal, opening up new perspectives in creative design and enabling fascinating architectural solutions. Our in-house design team have worked with a multitude of architects and designers to produce the bespoke product that you are looking for.

Architectural wirecloth from HBWF combines outstanding functionality with high aesthetic appeal, opening up new perspectives in creative design and enabling fascinating architectural solutions. Our in-house design team have worked with a multitude of architects and designers to produce the bespoke product that you are looking for.

Architectural wirecloth from HBWF combines outstanding functionality with high aesthetic appeal, opening up new perspectives in creative design and enabling fascinating architectural solutions. Our in-house design team have worked with a multitude of architects and designers to produce the bespoke product that you are looking for.

Architectural wirecloth from HBWF combines outstanding functionality with high aesthetic appeal, opening up new perspectives in creative design and enabling fascinating architectural solutions. Our in-house design team have worked with a multitude of architects and designers to produce the bespoke product that you are looking for.

Architectural wirecloth from HBWF combines outstanding functionality with high aesthetic appeal, opening up new perspectives in creative design and enabling fascinating architectural solutions. Our in-house design team have worked with a multitude of architects and designers to produce the bespoke product that you are looking for.