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    Aesthetic Architectural Meshes

D e t e n t i o n  M e s h


This highly fashionable weave offers many opportunities for the use of woven mesh.

Fairly light in weight, this versatile, easy to handle material can be used for:
interior design, ceiling design and solar shading facades.


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F l e x o m e s h

9246blue(F)Flexomesh is a strong, flexible mesh that is slightly transparent.

This mesh works well for many interior applications and also as a projection screen.

It is often used for creating decorative screens and framed wall panels.



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M u l t i - B a r r e t t e


Weave type MULTI-BARRETTE is made from solid rods and flexible cable clusters.  The rods give stability to the mesh, the cables flexibility enabling very narrow radii.

MULTI-BARRETTE is well suited for exterior applications where an aesthetically pleasing yet protective facade is required.



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L a r g o - P l e n u s


Weave type LARGO-PLENUS has quite a different look to our other weave types. This is because instead of being woven from round wires LARGO-PLENUS is made from flat wires. The resulting mesh is incredibly strong and robust. The flat wires create a larger surface area which reduces the transparency but provides extensive brilliance.



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Doka Mono

The precrimped wires of DOKA-MONO offer a strong, rigid mesh together with good transparency.   The uniform surface creates a contemporary appearance. Specifications include square and rectangular openings.

Applications include : ceiling design, interior & exterior partitions, staircases and many others.

Finer variations are particularly suitable for window dressing, backdrops, display shelving and semi-transparent screens.

Stairs1F ReichParlDetail TheatreKammF

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E g l a - T w i n

4223(blue)The highly popular EGLA-TWIN is woven to give a flat surface on one side, with twin wires running close together creating its' special appearance.

This strong weave type is particularly suitable for use in interior applications, staircase design, exterior facades, design & media displays.



see more Egla-Twin Examples

D o k a w e l l - M o n o

3021(blueF)Due to its strength, rigidity and large open area, this type of weave is perhaps the most widely used architectural weave.

Combined with complimentary lighting, this mesh can appear both transparent and highly reflective.Applications include facade design,  ceiling design, solar shading and decorative panels.





See More Dokawell Mono examples


With one flat side, this fashionable weave type appears as a metal veil on large surfaces.

It can be used for many applications, including : interior partitions, walls, ceiling designs and exterior facades.



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