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Mesh to any design

Mesh to any design

for any purpose

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Architectural Meshes

Architectural Meshes

for aesthetic solutions

E g l a - T w i n

4223(blue)The highly popular EGLA-TWIN is woven to give a flat surface on one side, with twin wires running close together creating its' special appearance.

This strong weave type is particularly suitable for use in interior applications, staircase design, exterior facades, design & media displays.



see more Egla-Twin Examples

M u l t i - B a r r e t t e


Weave type MULTI-BARRETTE is made from solid rods and flexible cable clusters.  The rods give stability to the mesh, the cables flexibility enabling very narrow radii.

MULTI-BARRETTE is well suited for exterior applications where an aesthetically pleasing yet protective facade is required.



See More Multi-Barrette Examples

D o k a w e l l - M o n o

3021(blueF)Due to its strength, rigidity and large open area, this type of weave is perhaps the most widely used architectural weave.

Combined with complimentary lighting, this mesh can appear both transparent and highly reflective.Applications include facade design,  ceiling design, solar shading and decorative panels.





See More Dokawell Mono examples


With one flat side, this fashionable weave type appears as a metal veil on large surfaces.

It can be used for many applications, including : interior partitions, walls, ceiling designs and exterior facades.



See More Examples of Egla-Mono


Architectural wirecloth from HBWF combines outstanding functionality with high aesthetic appeal, opening up new perspectives in creative design and enabling fascinating architectural solutions. Our in-house design team have worked with a multitude of architects and designers to produce the bespoke product that you are looking for.

Architectural wirecloth from HBWF combines outstanding functionality with high aesthetic appeal, opening up new perspectives in creative design and enabling fascinating architectural solutions. Our in-house design team have worked with a multitude of architects and designers to produce the bespoke product that you are looking for.

Architectural wirecloth from HBWF combines outstanding functionality with high aesthetic appeal, opening up new perspectives in creative design and enabling fascinating architectural solutions. Our in-house design team have worked with a multitude of architects and designers to produce the bespoke product that you are looking for.

Architectural wirecloth from HBWF combines outstanding functionality with high aesthetic appeal, opening up new perspectives in creative design and enabling fascinating architectural solutions. Our in-house design team have worked with a multitude of architects and designers to produce the bespoke product that you are looking for.

Architectural wirecloth from HBWF combines outstanding functionality with high aesthetic appeal, opening up new perspectives in creative design and enabling fascinating architectural solutions. Our in-house design team have worked with a multitude of architects and designers to produce the bespoke product that you are looking for.

Architectural wirecloth from HBWF combines outstanding functionality with high aesthetic appeal, opening up new perspectives in creative design and enabling fascinating architectural solutions. Our in-house design team have worked with a multitude of architects and designers to produce the bespoke product that you are looking for.

Architectural wirecloth from HBWF combines outstanding functionality with high aesthetic appeal, opening up new perspectives in creative design and enabling fascinating architectural solutions. Our in-house design team have worked with a multitude of architects and designers to produce the bespoke product that you are looking for.