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Stainless steel woven wire mesh type DOKAWELL-MONO 3411 was formed into curved panels following the radius of the balcony.
The panels provide the necessary protection coupled with an attractive design.
Architect: Alderuccio
A contemporary balustrade design featuring panels of weave type DOKAWELL-DUO 3422.
Framed panels of HBWF weave type DOKAWELL-MONO 3481 were formed to following the radius of the staircase.
Kings Cross Plaza
Architect: Knight Architects
Specialist formed and framed panels of DOKA-BARRETTE 8914 provide balustrading to Regents Canal Bridge
Kvina Bridge
Architect: Asplan Viak AS
Elements of HBWF weave type EGLA-MONO 4223 make excellent external balustrade infill panels.